Wednesday, November 22, 2017

50's Day, PJ Day, and Turkey Time!

It's been an eventful couple of weeks as our Team has celebrated our 50th Day of School, PJ Day, and the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving!  I'm hoping this post gives you a glimpse into some of the fun and also perhaps some lively conversation over a holiday meal.  :)

Team 111 has also spent quite a bit of time focusing on gratitude and what it means to be thankful.  On that note, I'd like to extend many thanks to our Team 111 families.  Thank you not only for all that you do to support your child's learning at home, but also for entrusting both myself and our BES community with the job of helping your child learn and grow at school.  We feel lucky to have so many generous and supportive families who recognize the importance of the work we do everyday.  I reminded our Team yesterday how thankful I am for each member and how lucky we are to be together at school.  Kinder life is GOOD!

50th Day of School - It's hard to believe we already have 50+ days in the books this year!  On our 50th Day of school we:
  • engaged in 50th Day reading centers
  • played Race to 50, counted 50 things, and thought about what we might want 50 of in math
  • danced to "Sock Hop" music

New Reading Centers - Kinders have become super independent at reading centers so we decided to mix things up recently.  We've been trying out:
  • using the Reading A-Z Kids app on the ipads to read grade level texts
  • practicing directed drawing and turning it into a piece of watercolor artwork
  • going on word searches around the classroom to find passwords we know and record them
  • sequencing events and characters in recently read books

A Visit with Mrs. Kurtz - Our enrichment teacher joined us last week to read another Ladybug Book titled, Elwood Bigfoot, a story all about a sasquatch looking for friends.  The kinders loved watching the story unfold and then engaging in  cooperative art activity to build Elwood.  

Image result for ladybug book elwood

PJ Day - If only we could wear PJ's to school everyday!  I'm not sure who enjoyed this one more, kids or teachers.  Ha!  We loved reading Llama Llama Red Pajama, thinking of excuses we make for not going to bed on time, designing our own patterned pajamas, and writing about our favorite thing to do in our PJ's.  

Gratitude - Much of our recent conversation in kindergarten has revolved around gratitude and thanking others.  We used thankful coloring sheets to help us brainstorm for several turkey/thankful crafts.  Our class LOVES crafts.  They love the problem solving, creativity, and preparation that goes into them.  We hope you got a good laugh out of our turkey headbands!  Team 111 also loved turkey math choices such as Thanksgiving roll and color, roll a turkey, and turkey trot domino sort.  


Ask your kinder :
  • What does gratitude mean?
  • What and who are you thankful for?
  • Try to count to 50.  
  • How did popcorn taste when we tasted it?
  • What was your favorite turkey math activity?  Why?
Reminders : 
  • No School - Wednesday, November 22nd - Friday, November 24th
  • Ignite the Night - Thursday, November 30th - 5:30 PM (info in the BES and Beyond email)
  • December 8th - Family Movie Night, 5:00PM, BES Gym
  • December 25th - January 1st - Holiday Break
Wishing you all a fun, safe, healthy Thanksgiving with family and friends!  We're thankful for you, families!  Happy Thanksgiving!